Hi friends,
Apologies for sliding into your inboxes a bit late this week.
Over the past few days, a couple of you have asked me how I am, both because of the medical issue I mentioned last Tuesday and because of what’s been happening in Syria, Jordan’s neighbor to the north (I have a personal connection to the conflict, which I’ll explain later in this letter). All is well here, but I am still bone tired, y’all. I need rest more than I’ve ever needed it in my life. I’m going to send out one more letter next week, and then I’ll be taking off through the New Year. I have lots of good content planned for January, and I’m so excited to roll it out once I’m more myself.
For now, please tell me: how are things, wherever you are in the world? Are you gearing up for holiday celebrations? For me, Christmas 2024 will be a bit atypical…more on that below.