This trip!

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It was truly amazing! I may be ruined for other trips forever! 😂

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Mar 8, 2023Liked by Samantha Childress

I sent this post to my Aunt Shirley, who replied: "WOW, that was spectacular. I enjoyed every bit of it, the pictures and especially her writings. 100% [circling hearts emoji] [100 emoji]" I agree!

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❤️ thanks, Victoria! So glad Shirley enjoyed it, too!

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Incredible travel writing, thank you for sharing.

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😊 Thank YOU for reading!

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I would argue you had an even better experience than a person who would have paid for a solitary, exclusive ride, because of the serendipitous break fate gave you.

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100%. The lucky break made it that much sweeter!

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Wow, what a beautiful account of what was clearly an incredible trip - you transported me straight to the Nile, Sam!

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Thank you, Rebecca! It was so wonderful, I couldn’t not share it.

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Mar 7, 2023Liked by Samantha Childress

It sounds and looks perfectly magical. It's so good to hear that the river is pristine. Friends of mine described their cruise as strewn with litter. Perhaps they were only on the outskirts of the city. Great read, as always.

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Thank you, Vicki! I have definitely found the same as your friends did when in Cairo...the river can be fairly littered in the city, which is part of what made this trip so magical ✨

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Mar 7, 2023Liked by Samantha Childress

Very kind of you to shout out Mzungu, thank you!

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Of course, Mikey! Writers have to support each other. 🙂

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“I hoard the memory of those days jealously. I hold them in my heart like a child with a piece of candy hidden in her pocket, ready to take it out and taste it when life gets ugly.” After reading this beautiful essay, I can well understand that feeling. Thank you for sharing your experience, Sam!

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What struck me at the end of this post was how since that moment you tried to recreate the perfect night you and Nick had in that little music venue, you've settled and grown. . . you devour each single moment and appreciate its uniqueness and it's "never to be replicatedness." So lovely - the whole essay and the whole experience.

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