Sam, you are such a beautiful writer 🥰 As for the veggie patch, raised beds? Nets? Maybe a few jalapeño plants on the edge for deterrence?

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Thanks for reading, Kacie!! ❤️LOL I love your idea of jalapeño plants as deterrents. Though Boo loves to eat even things that objectively taste bad. A vet in Egypt once gave her hydrogen peroxide to induce vomiting after she literally stole candy from a baby (ate a Hershey's kiss right out of a toddler's Halloween bucket!)...she lapped the hydrogen peroxide right up, to which the vet said, "well that's...unsettling." 😬

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Thanks for sharing! I find it’s the sounds of the muezzins of old Cairo that are mystical - transcending our spirit into a different realm.

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Old Cairo has a real magic to it. I knew I would miss that city, but I didn't think I'd miss it quite this much--moving to Jordan has only reinforced my sense of how unique it is. Thanks for reading, Fati!

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Sam, your beautiful, descriptive writing brings back long ago memories of my Middle East years. And yes! Petra is wondrous! Exactly as I remember it. I rode on a very gentle horse with other group members also on horseback. The narrow pathway into Petra suddenly opened wide, and we beheld a breathtaking city carved from stone. And yes - “Those are the moments…”

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That grand reveal when you get to the end of the Siq is something else! Truly one of those awe-inducing moments that stays with you forever. 😍

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Let joy exist in one place… beautiful piece, Sam. And Boo!

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Thank you, Jolene! 🤗 Boo is giving me so much material to write about, ha!

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These vignettes are lovely, Sam! I've been waiting for you to write about Petra, and as I expected you described it beautifully. (And "Horse with No Name" is one of my favorite songs from the '70s. What perfect timing.) I also think your descriptions of your life with your dog are both touching and hilarious.

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🥰 thank you, Clarice! And I'm glad you're enjoying my writing about Boo--I'm trying hard not to become one of those overly proud parents who talks about nothing but her (fur) baby, but I find her endlessly interesting!

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Petra and Amman look stunning. I expect you’ll remember that day for the rest of your life 🖤

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I suspect you're right, Noha! There are so many wonderful things to discover here. ✨

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Petra sounds amazing! I would love to visit there one day.

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Beautiful Sam! And, your tale of puppy vs vegetables made me chuckle. I, too, used to have a mischievous little pup with a penchant for green beans and tomatoes. Bless him.

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