Sam, this is the first chapter of a book (the one I’ll be on line to buy at your book signing) I felt all of it while reading.

Also, loved your cabinet feature with Rachel and your paintings are good! ✨

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Not if I’m in line for your book first, Jolene! 🤣 but I am absolutely considering expanding this...I have had too many wild experiences in Egypt to not compile them into something bigger!

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Hahaha! Great minds think alike!

Maybe we can do a Chicago-Cairo joint book tour! 😂🤗

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I agree with Jolene. This is a book.

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Someday, I hope!!

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Let me know if you need any book proposal / finding an agent help or guidance! I would not have two books and my brilliant agent if another author friend had not helped me x

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That would be incredible, Rachel. I’m working on a manuscript now...it’s a few months away from completion, but I will definitely reach out about this when it’s closer to the finish line!

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Mar 24, 2023Liked by Samantha Childress

You have perfectly captured that feeling of being untethered in a new environment. I can imagine your essay as a moving short story. Also, very much enjoyed your interview with Rachel!

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Thank you Vicki! Rachel and I had so much fun chatting!

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Apr 30, 2023Liked by Samantha Childress

I moved to Cairo (Maadi!) seven months ago and was also swept away (across Tahrir Square no less) into the darkness of a “bazaar”! My husband is a teacher and I had similar dreams of being that cool, collected expat wife. Alas! Cairo bends you into shapes you never knew existed. Really comforting to read your words, thank you. Wish I’d found them sooner.

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Well hey, neighbor!! So glad you found me! I hope you’re feeling like you have your feet under you now...it took me a good six months to really settle in here, but after having to make the admittedly tough adjustment, I feel more sure of myself than ever. Feel free to reach out any time 🤗

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Hey, Sam! Once again, this is a wonderful piece. I said as much on the Soaring Twenties post, but I wanted to make sure you saw it. It's some of the most beautiful, evocative writing I've seen so far on the ole 'Stack, and you did a great job taking us with you through your complex internal journey. I'm glad you've reached a place where you were able to make some sense of this new experience. And you've gained a new subscriber!

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Thank you, Andrei! I didn’t see your original comment, and I am so touched by this--it’s the best feeling in the world to know that your writing means something to someone. I’m glad you’re here 😊

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Mar 24, 2023Liked by Samantha Childress

Hi Sam, I’ve just returned form my middle eastern adventure, including a week in Egypt. I know I only just scratched the surface but my trip included the Pyramids, Sphinx, Aswan- Luxor ( dahabiya cruise) hot air balloon ride near Valley of the Kings. It was a wonderful week but I found Cairo extremely confronting. The sheer size of the population, traffic kaos & pollution/ rubbish, I was not expecting. I take my hat off to you.

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I am jealous of the hot air balloon ride, Jodie! That is on my Egypt bucket list. But you’re right, Cairo is an extremely confronting place...it has so much to offer, but it can be difficult to get past the rough exterior, especially when you’re traveling and have no time to adjust. I hope your Dahabiya trip was wonderful and that you were able to enjoy the ancient wonders regardless of the chaos!

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Mar 24, 2023Liked by Samantha Childress

Reading this makes me both want to write and paint at once.

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Do it!! For some reason the thought of painting always really intimidated me, but I find oils to be pretty forgiving. They dry so slowly that you don’t have to be afraid of making mistakes!

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Mar 24, 2023Liked by Samantha Childress

Your paintings *are* good! You have an eye for values, and they have a lot of natural movement!

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Thanks Victoria! That means a lot coming from you...I married into a very artistically talented family ❤️

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