Your title drew me in, but your story did the magic. I mourn my father (gone for over 24 years) and my mother ( gone since 3 years) on moments I least expect it. They travel with me even if I don’t always pay them attention. I’m grateful for that.

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Funny how borders are imaginary (for the most part) and there is no magic that happens when you cross them. It's the people and their beliefs that make a place unique. Borders can facilitate that by herding similar people into certain areas but doesn't mean that those lines aren't byproducts of our imagination.

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"I thought about who would have jurisdiction if someone was murdered here"

Disputed border murders are such a rich area of mystery / thriller. Highly recommend J.S.A: Joint Security Area movie by Park Chan Wook and The City & The City book by China Mieville.

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Beautiful assay! great metaphor, thank you for sharing!

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My God, Sam. I agree. This is your best essay.

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What a beautiful metaphor. I found myself running from grief as well, for decades.

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Borders are arbitrary and grief does dissipate. Meanwhile, I'm intrigued by this insight into Cyprus, which I know nothing about.

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